Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How Many Years In Prison Should LeBron Have Served For "The Decision?"?

You make a good point. People did overreact to the Decision, and Lebron's general arrogance. But two things you need to remember: While Lebron didn't commit a crime, he did do something many people consider wrong, and he is an arrogant jerk. Most people love to see arrogant jerks fail, because those lacking in humility need some humiliation. At best, it can help them to become better people, and, at a minimum, it will keep them quieter and more introspective. I really believe the criticism and "hating" of Lebron being so overwhelming is a result of those of us in sports who would like to see Lebron learn from his failures and mistakes, not only to become a better player but a better person in the process. Society often holds its public figures to a higher standard, so criticism is louder and stricter than it would be for a normal person. In short, Lebron shouldn't have to be punished for what he did, but that doesn't mean he should forget it. Those who don't learn from their mistakes often repeat them.

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