Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Inventing an assistive device, any requests?

What would help me the most is to get some feedback from anyone who has a disability that is limited in participating in daily activities. I am in an assistive technology course and our assignment is to invent a device that would bridge that gap. My goal is to be able to take your requests and design something that would be specific to your needs. It can be any disability and any request that is sincere. Just to get an idea of what I am trying to do here's an example that has already been done. A man who was an avid bowler had a spinal cord injury which caused limited function of the muscles in his hands. He has a good amount of weakness but still could move his hands pretty good. Someone designed a ramp that could be used from sitting in his wheelchair. He positions it just in place and has his teammate hold it in place by the handles installed at the top. The ball was positioned at the top of the ramp and he would use his hands to propel it down the ramp. He would make strike after strike! It was amazing to see this and it has really motivated me to learn other areas of need. Would love to hear from you!

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