Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Should I chose ASU or UofA for theater?

I am currently a thespian in high school getting closer and closer to collage. I have been looking on the websites of both schools and cannot find the information I seek. Im looking for some educated advice on witch school i should attend. Personal experiences may also help. also please recommend (if any) another school with a good theatre program, it just has to be in Arizona. Please no bias opinions.

I don't get invited anywhere why?

So id first like to say I'm 19 year old male.. I'm not a loser or weird or annoying.. This is exactly why I find this so troubling.. During high school I always had many many friends and would go out endlessly but now that I'm older I've grown out of the texting facebook ordeal and I feel more mature than most people my age.. Don't get me wrong I love a good party and all that accompanies it.. I a, usually the life of the party, I'm great at making people laugh and I sincerely get along with everyone I meet and no I'm not just saying this.. However, recently I've been noticing that I don't get invited out places such as today and it really gets to me. I've been in a relationship for the past year and a half do you think that might be one of the reasons? Like I said I'm not very digitally social at all anymore as I see it to be a waste of time, could this also be a reason why no one invites me places? The last party I was invited to was over a month ago and it's finally getting to me. It really makes me sad because like I said I usually am very extremely outgoing. I attend ASU and I find it a little difficult to make friendships because the people in my classes aren't very talkative at all especially since I'm majoring in political science and my other classes are philosophy lectures so people tend to be more about books and studying. I feel like I need real friends and I can definitely say I currently have none. I imagine people might think I'm already busy or that I already have plans and that is the reason I don't get invited places, I just don't know how sure of that I am.. I have a ridiculous amount of people that i know and i seem to run into acquaintances regularly..Have you ever had a problem like this?? If so what did you do about it?? It just seriously feels like people think I'm already busy

Is there a place I can apply for a team on black ops?

go to a website called it is the best competitive gaming site in my opinion that many people use. create an account and go to the black ops page. there you will see some tab that should say free agents or register as a free agent. from there other teams may look at you and message you if they want you on their team. or i believe there may even be a page that states teams that are looking for new recruits that you can just message and ask to play with them. its the best tool by far to play competitively i suggest you use it.

Are these good ideas for my 15th Birthday Party?

You can find some really cute decorations from GetThePartyStarted's Etsy shop -

What Should I Do? And is my dad telling me whats right?

Your father is obsessed. Tell him if he doesn't back off, you will just stand around on the basketball court and act like you have no clue what to do.

What is the best way to search for summer college classes?

I really need to take Abstract Algebra course (modern algebra) over the summer and can only find it at ASU (where they break up the one class i need into two) and at university of Wisconsin, which wont offer it only for the summer. I need some way of searching multiple colleges or something for a summer, distance abstract algebra course. Anyone know a good way?

Kobe Bryant is overrated?

he was carried by shaq during their 3 peat, Shaq Averaged 34PPG and 55% FG, Kobe makes like 40 shot attempts every game, and he rather take contested shots than passing it to the open teammates, He doesn't get everyone involved, he always wants to shoot the ball

I have a grinding sound in my knee with no pain... Suggestions?

I am only 18 years old, so I am a bit weary on the suggested 'arthritis' suggestions. I know that it is possible but I have experienced no pain at any time with my knee. It happens to only occur in my right knee. As I walk up stairs or stand on only my right leg and crouch on my knee, it creates a very audible cracking sound. However, it makes different sounds as I bend the knee than when straightening it out. When crouching down, it grinds. When standing straight back up, it grinds and seems to pop into place when I have it fully straightened. I do tend to stand with my knees hyper-extended, but as previously stated.. I have never felt any pain. I know that I need to see a doctor, but I would like to hear a few suggestions first. I am very short, tending to sit with my legs crossed, angling under my chair.. I also have shin splints if that is any concern in reasoning.

My wife and I are moving to Arizona and will be attending Midwestern University and ASU. Where to live?

We'd like to live halfway between the schools so our commute times would be about equal. We've looked at North Scottsdale around the 101, central Phoenix and Avondale. We are looking for a 2 bedroom place with a two-car garage (preferably a house or town-home). Our budget is around $1000/month for rent.

What are the odds of becoming a pro golfer?

very very small. If you are even thinking about it you need to be practicing everyday for 6+ hours. Your short game needs to be incredible and shooting under par in AJGA tournaments and other well know tours. It is possible but speaking from experience its very hard to get passed college golf let alone become a pro golfer. There are so many good guy players out there is insane.

I need concussion help?

Today I had a baseball game, and one of my teammates hit my helmet pretty hard as a joke 5 or 6 times, i have a slight headache, but im not nauseouse, I can see fine, and I'm not slurring my words at all, do I have a slight concussion? Can I go to sleep finally?

My daughter has got admission to MBA from Ross and ASU. Which is better, for what reasons? Pros and cons?

Please let us know plus and minus of both places, especially from an Indian Student's perspective. We would be very thankful.

Reccomend a good ecchi/love/drama manga?

i like mangas such as yuria 100 shiki asu no yoichi and onani master kurosawa but im either up to date or finished with my manga and i need a new one to read.... any reccomendations?

Arizona State University PPL!!!?

Take a year off to work and then return to school. Seriously. If you're being forced to provide for your family, food is more important than your education. Plus, you can use the money that you were spending on school towards other more important things. Even if you did hypothetically graduate, with a 2.5 GPA or lower, it's impossible to get a job. You need time to build up your cash fund and then go back to school

Inventing an assistive device, any requests?

What would help me the most is to get some feedback from anyone who has a disability that is limited in participating in daily activities. I am in an assistive technology course and our assignment is to invent a device that would bridge that gap. My goal is to be able to take your requests and design something that would be specific to your needs. It can be any disability and any request that is sincere. Just to get an idea of what I am trying to do here's an example that has already been done. A man who was an avid bowler had a spinal cord injury which caused limited function of the muscles in his hands. He has a good amount of weakness but still could move his hands pretty good. Someone designed a ramp that could be used from sitting in his wheelchair. He positions it just in place and has his teammate hold it in place by the handles installed at the top. The ball was positioned at the top of the ramp and he would use his hands to propel it down the ramp. He would make strike after strike! It was amazing to see this and it has really motivated me to learn other areas of need. Would love to hear from you!

I am a girl going into my freshman year, and last year I started Cross Country to stay in shape for soccer?

I quickly became the fastest on the team, running a 11:13 3k, my school only does those for Junior high, and I grew to love cross country. THen in the fall, I did track and I became third in the state for the mile, and the fastest in my school. I ran a 5:44 and a 2:35 800. In high school, I decided I would quit soccer, even though I have been playing all my life on the top team in the state. My only regret is what if I made the wrong decision. I am not going to grow much more.I am very mentally and physically strong. Is there a chance so I could Improve my time to be faster all throughout high school? or am I going to be left in the dust by my teammate who haven't started growing?

Where in Phoenix is safe to rent a house? which areas should I stay away from? Please help!?

I'd avoid Maryvalle area and south Phoenix to name two. Get a good realtor and they should steer you in the right direction. You can double check the safety of an area by calling the non emergency number of the police. There are more areas that are nice and safe than there are areas to fear.

Y can i play football with a torn meniscus?

i supposely torn my meniscus 4 years ago playing high school least thats what the docs said.i recently played semi pro football again 2 months ago jus to see if i still got the game n me.i had no pain just a little soreness in my knees and i have a soft bump on the side of my knee that feels uncomfortable not hurt..hours and some times days after my games.i can cut hard n run a 4.5 40 without a brace or anything.can somebody help me figure out whats wrong with my knee because i feel like the docs r not tellin me the truth n my teammates told me i might have water that jus need to be drained from my knee

What do you think about the recent decisions in uniform (Army)?

Well of course USAREC has to get clarification. This command has to get clarification to take a crap. Army comes out with an order authorizing the PC and everyone was told to keep wearing the beret. What kills me is the change was June 14 and these people still want to study it like a zip code report

ASU employee tuition breaks??

If you are employed by a company that cleans ASU does that count as being an employee of theirs? Do tuition breaks apply to them?

Any ideas on why this is not considered sexual assault?

i think people of your state need to contact the state's attorney general and ddemand the charges be changed to sexual assault. i agree something is not right and i wouldn't be surprised if they get a slap on the wrist and sent to their rooms.

Is it safe to have an Appalachian State Decal on my car in Michigan?

I'm moving to Michigan soon and I have a ASU decal on my Subaru is it safe to keep it on when I move there since recently heard they beat Michigan University?

My TV screen is cut off on the sides.?

You have a pin cushion problem. Average repair could be $150 to $250. Money better spent on buying a new set.

So the other day i was playing beer pong and this is what happened...?

I was versing 2 of my friends and 1 of them was not near the table. His teammate was so the game was still being played. I decided to bounce the ball and his teammate didn't swat it. The player that was absent comes back and says it does not count because he was not next to the table and could have swatted the bounced ball away if he was present. Should my bounced shot count since one of my opponents were present or should it be a do over because one of my opponents were absent?

Supplementary angles over 180 degrees?

Do angles over 180 have supp. angles? I know over 90 don't have complimentary, but is it similar for supp? For example, 11pi/12 wouldn't have either, right?

As I told you earlierMy Pentax camera is K1000 having originally SMC Pentax-A Zoom lens 35-70 mm lens which I?

As I told you earlierMy Pentax camera is K1000 having originally SMC Pentax-A Zoom lens 35-70 mm lens which I was able to take it out and fit Vivitar 70-210 mm zoom lens(PK-A/R) in that Pentax camera. I also have with meJapanese auto CHINON 28 mm wide angle lens for this same Pentax K1000 --35 mm Film camera. My doubt is :- If I purchase the new Pentax Kr DSLR camera can I use these zoom lenses with this new DSLR camera? This is my doubt!!!

Arizona state university campus vs off campus housing?

OK I went to go see my dorm today at ASU and it seem like jail to me, it was far from wht I have expected, and now since I haven't checked in yet, I'm wondering is it better to just live off campus or in campus, I'm going for the summer semester, and which one do you think will be worth and also if off campus and which one and how much thank you

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Determine the angle of the sum of V1+V2?

V1 is 6.2 units long and points along the negative x axis. V2 is 9.0 units long and points at 50 degrees to the positive x axis.

Why does everyone hate Lebron so much? What exactly did he do?

Everybody puts so much pressure on Lebron for losing the finals but overlook the fact that he made it to the finals/ and that he had other teammates like d-wade and Chris bosh.

Red bump on outer vaginal lip? ?

I have one red, hard lump on my outer vaginal lip/labia majora. I am not sexually active and never have been (I'm a virgin). It's a bit itchy but other than that it only hurts when it's touched. It looks like maybe it could've been dried out and then scar tissue built up maybe. I can't tell because it's at an awkward angle. Could anyone tell me what it could possibly be? Maybe a swollen bartholin gland? I'm not sure and I'm a bit (majorly) worried.

SDSU v. ASU, can anyone help me with pros and cons?

If you think you're competitive enough for SDSU, then you should be competitive enough for Barrett, the honors college at ASU (esp in state, standards are much lower). With Barrett, as long as you do well, you're basically guaranteed a job or admission to grad school after graduation. Plus, you may qualify to get the AIMES scholarship through the AZ government, meaning all your tuition is paid for all 4 years. I think you should still apply to SDSU and see, but expect not get any money from them and good luck pulling $120,000 or more out of you *** to pay for college. ASU is extremely generous with their scholarships, especially to instate residents. I'm out of state and get $13,000 a year from ASU and $3000 a year from a private organization. Anyways, I love ASU and all the opportunities the large school provides, but at the same time I could have never gone to an in state school (in MN). Just some things to consider.

A BIG idea for "MATURE" Gamers?

This sounds like a fantastic idea! I would definitely go to and maybe even invest in this place if it were more of a solid reality.

- What Are Your Opinions On These WWE Comparisions?

99% of them do not make any sense. Outside of Dolph having blond hair how the hell is he suppose to be like Billy Gunn? Has he won a tournament and been given a main event push only to be a failure MORE THAN ONCE?

Reasons why student to choose Arkansas state university jonesboro?

well, just say it as opportunities that universities that your country do not have. you want to connect with other people from other nations. it has your major.

Is DIrk Nowitzki the best player in the NBA?

Well somebody did their homework. If you're a Heat fan, why are you going through so much trouble to prove why Dirk is the best player in the NBA?

How Many Years In Prison Should LeBron Have Served For "The Decision?"?

You make a good point. People did overreact to the Decision, and Lebron's general arrogance. But two things you need to remember: While Lebron didn't commit a crime, he did do something many people consider wrong, and he is an arrogant jerk. Most people love to see arrogant jerks fail, because those lacking in humility need some humiliation. At best, it can help them to become better people, and, at a minimum, it will keep them quieter and more introspective. I really believe the criticism and "hating" of Lebron being so overwhelming is a result of those of us in sports who would like to see Lebron learn from his failures and mistakes, not only to become a better player but a better person in the process. Society often holds its public figures to a higher standard, so criticism is louder and stricter than it would be for a normal person. In short, Lebron shouldn't have to be punished for what he did, but that doesn't mean he should forget it. Those who don't learn from their mistakes often repeat them.

Dirk can win by himself. Why not lebron?

Lebron says his teammates in Cleveland were not good enough so now he has his perfect teammates and can't do it but dirk can. What's lebrons excuse this year gonna be?

Is this an okay short story? its for my coursework - original writing?

Okay umm wow. I usually don't care how long questions are but this time I gotta say way too long. But read quite a bit of it. From what I read it was extraordinary writing.

What are some extra things that I can do to help me become a better runner in cross country?

Hi, I'm asking this because I want to know if there's any little things I can do with the team to be more in shape, to help me and my team become faster, any workouts we can do, etc. to become a better running team and better teammates to each other. I really want to make my Senior year memorable and I want to help my team make it to State for the fifth year in a row. Please give us some ideas. Me and my team are actually asking this question as a group. We want to push ourselves to the next level so please help!

Physics help please? puck question?

I believe it would be 1 m/s because of newtons balls. The energy from one ball is transferred to the next until it reaches the last ball in line. The 0.241 kg puck lost 1 m/s, which means it was transferred to the 0.275 puck. as for the velocity, v=s+d, meaning velocity equals speed plus direction. So the answer is (1m/s at 28 degrees on the positive x axis) Just so you know, That's a 9th grade home school education that just answered you question. ;)

Why is Randy Orton imitating Alberto Del Rio?

Dolph Ziggler started this whole, "My name is.." when he first debut he would always be backstage introducing himself.

Crushing on a teammate..?

If you put the transmission into neutral while the car is rolling at cruising speeds the engine will drop to it's lowest rpm or idle speed as the throttle plates drop down to the position where they bring in the least amount of fuel measured in cubic feet per minute with the existing 14.7 pounds per square inch of atmospheric pressure, and the atomic mass is altered by temperature and altitude. The engine will also be breathing at a higher vacuum, and you will conserve more fuel than if you were running at high engine revolutions per minute. Of course there is a lot more involved into this equation of fuel conservation for a normally aspirated V-8 internal combustion engine, but i'm not going to give away all the good racing trade secrets, because I am no ones teacher. But otherwise I say "Hell yeah! Let's go out there and crush 'em!"

How come people act John Cena never lost, seeing the fact he has far more clean losses than Austin and Rock?

Good digging. The fact is though, that people just don't like John Cena nearly as much as they liked Hogan, Austin and Rock. Cena came up too fast and his submission victory over Triple H at WM 22 just made many fans swear eternal hatred for him.

Phone has full bars, but no service?

That same thing happened to me! Try turning it off, taking out the battery, let it sit for a few moments, and put it back in and turn it on.

A good school life anime to watch?

I propose you to watch Hana yori dango, no powers, but really good (it's one of my top 5). School life, romance, reverse harem, shojo...

Rollbacks/barrel training on turf?

I wouldn't be doing any rollbacks on the grass as it harder on the joints because they have no cushion and its alot slicker then a sand arena. And just basic riding and slow work on it would be fine but wouldn't run him on it. As like I said before it is super slick and dangerous.

Circumpolar star declination?

Your angle of dip is 2 � 24' 9", so you can see to the northern horizon located at 38� 21' North. All stars above a declination of 61� 39' North (90 - 38� 21') are circumpolar at both 38� 21' North and at the top of Damavand Mountain.

What anime could I watch?

New Thunder Cats Series July 5 2011 Looking Forward Dragon Ball Blooded Saiyans 2012 With Rournio Kebshin And Try Wolvrine The Anime And X-Men July (TBA)

Essay help :) <3 please?

Wait, so do you want help editing it too? Or do you just need assistance with the concluding paragraph?

Whats better CSULB, SJSU or ASU for Materials engineering?

ASU, surprisingly. The engineering school is ranked, while the other programs you're interested in are not. Not sure about ASU roller hockey though, but I'm going to tell you from experience it's not wise to choose a school because of a sport. One of my friends is actually transferring schools because of soccer.

In need of a PS3 Black Ops Clan?

K/D is 1.4 (due to playing solo Team DeathMatch and such with terrible random teammates). Basically just looking for a semi active clan that plays a variety of games, also looking to stay in the clan for the release of future Call of Duty games. PSN name is Zuuelilo.

Can someone please find the magnitude of the electric force acting.?

Two small plastic balls hang from threads of negligible mass. Each ball has a mass of 0.15g and a charge of magnitude q balls are attracted to each other, and the threads attached to the balls make an angle of 20.0,degree,e vertical, as shown in the figure.

Should I make a move?

I was sitting on the couch with my girlfriend and I was holding her hand, it was a weird angle so she let go of my hand and pressed it into her inner thigh up.... Higher than normal. I was pleased as this was the first time something like this had happened. But I couldn't do anything more as we were surrounded by her family. We were called to dinner and when we came back every time I put my hand on her leg, not too high up, she moved it. What is she thinking what should I do?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Coaxial Cylindrical Conductors?

Two coaxial cylindrical conductors are shown in cross-section above. The inner cylinder has radius a = 2 cm, length 10 m and caries a total charge of Qinner = + 8 nC (1 nC = 10-9 C). The outer cylinder has an inner radius b = 6 cm, outer radius c = 7 cm, length 10 m and cariies a total charge of Qouter = - 16 nC (1 nC = 10-9 C). What is Ex, the x-component of the electric field at point P which is located at the midpoint of the length of the cylinders at a distance r = 4 cm from the origin and makes an angle of 30o with the x-axis?

So, what's it like living in America, is it as fun & awesome as it looks on tv.?? like the teenage life?

Like when you see kids having house parties, drinking from those red cups, having a blast and having pool parties, taking pictures with your friends at angles, doing cool urban like poses, making peace signs and taking pictures and just having a wild, fun and awesome time! is it really like that in America???

Applying for Spring Semester?

some schools (programs) don't accept students in the spring semester so check and make sure that you can indeed apply for spring term. You should speak to an advisor and see if finishing 2 years at a junior college can be advantageous -- rather than just taking a semester worth of classes and then transferring in. on a personal note --- i think spending a semester in China would be a great opportunity and a great life experience.

Pros and Cons of ASU?

When I first went away to college I went to a chiristian university for a year and HATED IT. So I finished up my second year at a local community college. Long story short, I applied to ASU cause I was looking for a change. They offered me basically a full ride so it looks like that's where I will be going. Advice???? Am I way over my head? I've heard that it's a party school and everything. I mean I like to party and have fun, but I am also very reserved. Is this a bad choice for a school? The advice would really help!

Who can play an older Bruce Wayne and a possible Teenage to early 20's Terry Mcginnis from Batman Beyond?

Now I was thinking as i watched the A-Team the other Day and i thought that Liam Neeson would be a perfect fit for a mid 60 to a early 70 bruce wayne. He has been in so many action movies and played in a couple Superhero movies one as a villain. In the A-Team he really brought it out to me with that deep voice and always barking orders at his teammates ears. As soon as i heard it i said Thats Future Bruce. I just know it. Its not juist because he yelled its because of the sound of his voice . Its kinda deep and he switches it on and off which is what bruce does normally epescially when he was batman or bruce wayne out in public. Now terry's choice i though hard about. I had only two choices. Jackson Rathbone from the last airbender & Josh Hutcherson. And you know what as i thought about it I figured Terry may be a troubled 20 year old or 19 year old at the youngest. He is young man kicking bad habbits and bad people out of his life while trying to juggle college and spending time with his family and girlfriend who has been there for terry from the very beginning. both of these guys have had quite a bit of action work for them especially hutchesron. He evern Auditioned to be spiderman along with andrew garfield. His stunts and testing for it is on youtube check it out for your decision. If not any of these actors then who would you guys Chose play Bruce and Terry?

Need a new anime with action, adventure, comedy, superpowers, development of powers stuff like that?

How about Blue Exorcist? Looks pretty good to me. The first episode my be a little weird but later on it will make you want to read the manga. Try that one. Toriko isn't bad either but Ao no Exorcist (Blue Exorcist) is better. Also, Nurarihyon no Mago Season II will be starting in July 2011 according to the author in the latest chapters of the manga. Hope I answered you question!

How do i work out these questions?

I couldn't understand your first question, but the distance between the church and the lamp post is 49.8220 m.

Is there a site i can buy to watch ASU football games online?

i want to watch ASU football games but i live in there a online package thing i can buy to watch the games? because i can't get cable because of my credit.

Do Army Enlisted Soldiers wear this with there dress uniform or only Officers?

It's a Dress Blue hat. You wear it with your Dress Blues. There are not a lot of occasions when soldiers wear their Dress blues. I bought a hat just like this, the old one that went with my dress blues and I wore it a total of 1 time at the Dining in for ANCOC. You won't see folks walking around in those hats on a normal daily basis because it is for a "dress" uniform and most folks wear their duty uniform or best case scenario Class B's if they must. Otherwise you will see folks like the Honor Guard or those guarding the tomb of the unknown soldier where Dress blues are their daily uniform along with that cap. Officers will have one similar but the bill is adorned with golden braided leaves and basically just has more crap all over it. So in answer to your question for the larger majority of folks it is worn on special occasions that call for the Dress Blues (Dining In, Dining out, maybe a ceremony here and there which is even more rare) if you own them. Often folks just wear Class A's with the beret until later when purchasing Dress blues becomes more suitable as you progress in rank.

Heeelllllllpppppp me?

At a point 160 feet from a building, and in a horizontal line with its base, the angle of the top of the building is 37 degrees. How high is the building?

I have just bought the new army service uniform,?

i cant find anything on the changes of medal placement or the dui placement literaly any thing, no one in my unit hasnt switched over yet and offers no help, i havnt even found more then a picture on the asu. if any one can help i would be greatful.

Is it bad to dump water on yourself while exercising?

Cool water does tell the body that you are cooling and to slow or stop the circulation of blood the the surface to conserve heat. Secondly cool water also sends the false signal to stop sweating. Neither is a good thing, if you are severely overheated water at ambient temp. will cool by evaporation and help with out the effects of over cooling. While racing I'll keep a bottle to pour on my self but the bottle is at air temp, never cold. I never pour water on my legs during a race and do it sparingly after wards. If you are on the verge of heat exhaustion then things change and you need to get off the bike in shade and cool down.

Is Messi better than Pele?

i believe he is. I mean Messi is only 23 years old n his speed and skill is amazing. As he gets older he'll get much much better. And besides soccer was really simple when Pele played n the defense and midfield back then werent that good. The only Reason Pele scored 1000 goals was because his teammates helped him make them. Without his Brazilian comrades Pele would b considered the worst player ever. Pele sucks and Messi in my opinion has always been better than Pele and always will be.

Does Kobe Bryant have an introverted personality?

So we all know Kobe Bryant is one of the all time greats, But one thing I've noticed is that he has never really fit in anywhere. He seems to keep to himself and when on camera he sort of fakes a personality (If you can read body language you can tell he's faking it.). He's also thrown a few of his teammates, owners, coaches under the bus. I'm not hating on Kobe Because he's actually my favorite player, but something seems a little off about him. what do you think of his personality?

Does ASU have a good undergraduate program?

ok so i live in illinois and i really want to go out of state for college and asu (arizona state university) seems really cool but i want my undergraduate degree in political science then i want to transfer to Northwestern for law school. but my question is, does asu have a good poly sci (or pre law) program?

I completely understand that what chris benoit did was really wrong and sick.. but his matches were great!?

Like the moment at WM 20 was great with Eddie and Benoit!! Highlights like Benoit breaking sabu's neck famous ecw footage, WM X7 against kurt angle was a wrestling clinic at the time, Ladder Match with Jericho at Royal Rumble 2001.. like this guy has so much highlights just a shame what he did to his legacy and career.. feedback or comments if u want...

Got bad grades my freshman year of school! Can I transfer without other schools knowing? HELP PLEASE!?

I just completed my freshman year of college at the University of Arizona. Unfortunately, I had let the college life interfere with my focus on my studies. Too much goofing around, drinking and experimenting. I recognize my mistake and I want to start over. Instead of returning to the University of Arizona for the Fall 2011 semester, I want to go to my local community college and refocus to get my AS degree in chemistry and then transfer to ASU. My question is: is it possible to not transfer my University of Arizona transcript to my local community college and later on to not transfer it to ASU either? Is it illegal? If it is illegal, what are the consequences? Couldn't I just say that I worked for a year to save some money for school and just pretend that my freshman year at the University of Arizona never existed?

Is LeBron really as great a passer as everyone makes him out to be?

LeBron will tell people that he didn't try to dominate a game (especially in crunch time) cause he felt being the facilitator was more valuable to his team. However, I have never really heard him described as someone who "makes his teammates better", the same way people used to talk about Magic, Stockton, or even Isiah thomas, and the way we presently talk about nash and CP3. I don't see enough Heat games (since I value my appetite...and time), but I do see his great passes on the highlights often. Help me out here cause I am trying to figure out what's going through this guy's head in a game when a person either steps up and becomes a "Legend" or fails trying, but will at least be heralded for putting himself on the proverbial line and not folding under the pressure.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

How come I cant connect a Cisco Linksys E3000 to xbox live without constant lag?

Um yeah dis is the grul that u answerd a question for well shut tha **** up dont answer my questions if ur going to be with ur additude u ugly bitchhh

Mature/experienced please help: How can I get the tampon to insert correctly?

I am 23 & had never used a tampon before.. Finally I've had enough of pads & decided to try (I've always had somewhat of a fear of tampons/putting anything there). So it was a big deal that I got about 1 1/2 inches of tampon inserted before it got real tight & felt like I'm hitting something. I followed directions in box & had it at about 45 degree angle. It was hurting some & uncomfortable, so I decided I shouldn't push it & try again later. I am a virgin & things are tight down there, I'll be honest. I lubed up the slender tampon too. Should I just try to shove it up there as quickly as possible? i was going slow & steady but that didn't seem to work well. Thank you for help & input! I am beyond DONE with pads lol! I know this isn't technically pregnancy-related, but I asked in womens health & got some crappy answers.. Thanks again for advice.

How is Kyrie Irving projected to go #1 overall in the 2011 NBA Draft?

Please tell me you aren't saying Smith is better than Irving. Irving will have the best career out of anyone on that Duke team by far. The only guy I would consider drafting ahead of him is Williams. This is a terrible draft as well, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that he's projected 1st overall.

Help! I'm on my period and going swimming tomorrow!!?

This is my 5th day on my period and it's still pretty heavy. I'm 13 and this is like my 6th period. I'm going swimming tomorrow with my softball teammates and we get our trophies (so I can't get out of it) i can't use tampons and I think it would be uncomfortable to swim normally like I'm not on my period. Please help!

Is this sexual/inappropriate behaiviour on my stepmothers part or am I overreacting? Serious answers only plz!?

why in the hell is your step mom playing basketball with kids in the first place.also you need to get erection into those school books so you can get an education.of corse what your step mom is doing is wrong / you'll need to inform your dad about what your step mom is doing before things get out of hand .and leads to something that could get both you / her in trouble.

Someone! Math help please!!! I've searched everywhere!! no tutors are available!?

Mario budgets each month for dining out. Once a month, he eats lunch with his teammates at a local caf� and orders the same meal. He decides to start meeting a friend for lunch at a buffet restaurant several times each month. The cost of the buffet is the same each time he visits. Write a verbal model for the number of times he can eat at the buffet restaurant each month and stay within his monthly dining budget.

Dorm or commute 20 minutes?

I already asked this question, but let me rephrase it...Dorms and meal plans combined I could probably get it it to be around 10-11k. Tuition will be payed for, but books and other fees for honors would come out to be an additional 2-3k. Anyways the university is 20 minutes away. My parents could afford it, but I want to know if it is really worth extra money. Btw I will be most likely living in the Barrett honors dorms at ASU, which are new and nice.

How to put a tampon in for the first time?

Okay so I've been looking at videos and stuff and they tell me to put it in by an angle and they make it sound easy but whenever I try I'm really scared and it hurts and I can never put it in. I don't know which way to put the angle either. Like how do I push it in without it hurting and do I do it fast?? HELP PLEASE!!!?! I'm in 7th grade btw

Does anyone know if there are ibooks for college like basic biology math english history ?

And classes like remdiation math and english im goin to school at asu beebe and i was just wonderin cause i mite beebe gettin a ipad in a few days

Can you suggest some anime?

with what you've watched i think you might like death note, hellsing, devil may cry, disgaea, naruto, naruto shipudn- sh.... i cant remember how to spell the second part oh well...

How is AT&T in Arizona?

Hey, I'm moving to Arizona to go to college. I will be going to ASU in Tempe and going to Maricopa a lot with my family. Since it is urban areas the signal should be good. How is AT&T in that area?

Is a degree in criminal justice universal?

I live in IL. I want to try to make it out in AZ and will be attending Arizona State. With no family or resources, it may be hard to do out there. If I graduate with my Bachelor's from ASU and can't live out there, will employers in IL deem that degree admissable?

Need help on a physics problem!?

Olympic diver Matthew Mitcham springs upward from a diving board that is 3.30 m above the water. He enters the water at a 72.0 degree angle with respect to the water surface, at a speed of 9.07 m/s. A) Determine the magnitude of his initial velocity B) Determine the direction of his initial velocity, in terms of degrees relative to horizontal. C) Determine his maximum height above the water.

What happens in our brain that causes us to change the first letter of two words?

You are sure of what you want to say. You think over the sentence quickly in your mind before you say it. While you are speaking your mouth is working faster than your brain to process the sentence. And since you cant talk without your brain sometimes things come out a little jumbled. Its totally normal, just try to talk slower and think before you talk!

Can you force bend wood?

well im building a guitar and the rosewood bridge isn't sitting flat on the soundboard and i need it to or else it wont have the strength to hold the strings. so my question is can i bend the bridge slightly like 1cm on each side to create a small curve by soaking it in water but instead of heating it clamping it to a peace of wood close to the desired angle. or would it crack. if not will i have to let it dry out for a longtime to make sure that it doesn't try and shrink once its been glued on the soundboard. well i hope someone can answer this but i doubt it.

Trigonometry question for maths, help please?

that makes a right triangle with hypotenuse of 16.3 cm and an angle of 37 degrees, so then to find the length you can use trigonometry to find the longest side, so since cos = adjacent/hypotenuse multiply the hypotenuse times the cosine to give you the adjacent side, so 16.3*cos(37). I dont have a calculator on my but make sure you are in degrees not radians.

Math Algebra Question!!?

no angle 5 is 106 degrees. Corresponding angles are always equal to each other if the lines are parallel.

What is your favourite genre to write about?

I like romance with a bit of drama and comedy thrown into the mix. I've started to write sci-fi too, but don't think it will go anywhere, I just did it cause I was bored and needed a new angle.

Hair and Helmets don't mix?

so i play as a goalie with a full helmet and i have no idea what to do with my hair. i usually keep it in a high bun when we are running but my helmet wont fit with it up like that. same with a pony tail. i tried to do a low pony tail but my teammates says it makes my look like a guy. i tried to leave it down but it gets all over and makes me really hot. help?

What I need to become a pharmacist?

I will be a senior in high school next year & i want to be a pharmacist. I live in arizona so I'll most likely be going to a university or college in AZ. I wanna go to ASU. Im confused and wanna get things straight. I want to know everything i should know to become a pharmacist.Recommended schools if there is any? Classes I should take? etc.

Would Kobe have done what LeBron JUST did?

Lebron is a great player hes just not on MJ or even Kobes level. Neither is Wade. They have no jump shots and were lost against the zone. MJ would drop 50 against tht D

What are your thoughts on Cutler appearing to have no lingering effects from his devastating injury?

I read that article earlier. It's a good sign. Can't wait for this dumbass lockout to end so the Bears can sign a free-agent WR.

Going to summer program for 2 weeks?

So I'm leaving for a summer journalism program at ASU for two weeks (I'll be returning home on the weekends) what should I bring?! I'm completely clueless haha. And more importantly maybe is, what Shouldn't I bring? Any help would be greatly appreciated! I'm just a newbie high school senior xP

How did Edward Hartley Angle die?

I'm doing a Biography report on Edward H. Angle. Does anyone know how he died? Was it old age or did he become ill.....Please help me!! [=

How well do you think Derrick Rose could work off the ball?

Derrick Rose never plays off the ball because of his teammates not being able to create their own shots. How well do you think Rose can play off the ball?

Should I make a move(girls only)?

I was sitting on the couch with my girlfriend and I was holding her hand, it was a weird angle so she let go of my hand and pressed it into her inner thigh up.... Higher than normal. I was pleased as this was the first time something like this had happened. But I couldn't do anything more as we were surrounded by her family. We were called to dinner and when we came back every time I put my hand on her leg, not too high up, she moved it. What is she thinking what should I do? I really care for her alot and don't want to ruin anything. 8 months, we've been together.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Is it possible to attend a University that you were admitted to two years prior without having to re-apply?

I got into my dream school (Arizona State) two years ago right out of high school, but could not afford to attend. Instead I went to Eastern CT State (worst school ever) and suffered for two years. Now I am thinking about other places I could go and I remembered that I could still maybe go to ASU. Does anyone know how this stuff works and what I could possibly do with this situation? THanks and have a great day.

Why cant i boot people in halo reach?

I was playing halo reach and my teammate betrayed me. i didn't get the optio to boot him, so i betrayed him, one second later, i was booted. Why couldn't i boot him, but he could boot me?

Do you need spanish for a BioMedical-Engineering degree?

ok, so I took every single Spanish course being offered here at the college, but now i want to save money, and I want to know if I even need the Spanish courses(foreign language), when I transferred from a community college to a university. I want to got to ASU (Arizona State University).

College major help!!?

Physical therapy takes a lot less education than becoming a teacher or a psychologist. You can earn a physical therapists certificate in about 18 months at most hospital training programs. A personal trainer? Makes absolutely no money and they are a dime a dozen.

What anime could I watch?

School Rumble is similar to OHSHC in that it is a romance/comedy anime. It is very funny and not predictable. Another excellent romance anime is Kimi ni Todoke. Rurouni Kenshin is similiar to Inuyasha.It is about a guy named Kenshin but they call him Batosai the man slayer. It takes place in the meiji period of Japan.It has a lot of action and sword fighting in it. I also recommend Marken Awakens Romance, Kenichi, and xxxholic.

Question on math problem?

If a ladder 40 feet long is placed so as to reach a window 30 feet high, what angle does it make with the level ground, and how far is its foot from the base of the building?

Split Ends Question? 10 points for best answer.?

My hair is extremely damaged at the ends and I need like an inch cut off which i will get done soon. The ends have an offshoot and right angle split ends. I have only found one actual split. I never get split ends that actually split. But I hate the offshoots and right angles because they look like i have a permanent crinkle in it. It looks terrible. I want to know how to prevent bad hair damage. I know to take good care of it, no duh, but can you recommend any good products / shampoos and conditioners. Any other tips? Thankyou (:

Training with Biking or Running for Cross Country?

So me and one of my teammates don't seem to agree. We're both on the cross country team and we both have different views of training. She thinks that by only riding her bike she will make it on the Varsity team but I she should run instead. So is biking going to help her at all with her running in cross country?

Fast 40 yards sprint time?

Hi! I'm a swimmer and I have no idea what a fast running time is. I spend most of my time in the pool so I guess i don't have time to check these kind of events out. Anyway at dryland today after swim practice we did some 40 yard sprints and I was running way faster than my other teammates....After about 6 sprints and a couple suicide sprints I asked my coach to time me. I went a 4.9....Is that good??? Thanks )

Impossible to score in NHL 11 be a pro mode!!?

When I play games on this mode I'm either hitting crossbar or post. Or get on a break away and do my best dekes and goalie saves it no problem. I score at very random times. And when I don't .my teammates are doing regular wristshots and scoring.. Shots I did the play before.. How can I score more without cheating?!

Can Anyone Help Me With My Dream?

House talk about ourselves and our emotions . Its like you very anxious about a project or a new career ; and to be honest ; it doesn't matter which one you will choose ;;;; look like it would not be easy

Will an Eisenhower silver dollar work for officer commissioning?

I am an ROTC cadet and I will be commissioning at the end of LDAC this summer. I have my ASU ready, but I'm not sure if my silver dollar will work for the First Salute. It is one of those Eisenhower silver coins minted in the 70s. One of my cadre members said I needed a pure silver eagle, but other officers have told me that there is no regulation on it and any silver dollar works just fine. Can someone set me straight? I'd like to not have to pay for another coin if I don't have to.

What are your thoughts on the reporter who asked Wade and Lebron if they choked?

I've been thinking of LeBron as a choker for some time now. I'm not surprised at all that they made it all the way there to lose. Pretty rough of a reporter to say but they usually don't make the big bucks unless they ask these questions. Don't get me wrong, LeBron is a great athlete he just lacks the game closing ability of guys like Michael Jordan. I think Michael might've spoiled me by showing me the greatest ever at a young age though, everyone since just doesn't seem that good compared to him in my opinion.

How to get the hair I want?

I have short-ish hair. I got it extremely short in back, and it angled to just above my shoulders in front. I Demi-permanent dyed my hair to an orangey-red color twice, so it's not damaged, except that I straighten it everyday. My hair can get greasy if I use conditioner so I don't use it that often? But anyways- I really would like to get my hair cut to a scene style, an my hair has grown out a little but its still short in back and just past my shoulders in front, and the color has worn out so it's a light orangey, light brownish color. I would like to bleach my hair on top with a darker color like a very dark brown on the bottom, but I'm wondering how that will look ? And if I do that, are there any precautions I should take before getting my hair dyed/bleached and how to take care of it afterwards? And i would get this done professionally not at home :) thanks and sorry it's so long :\

Are you happy to see Jason Kidd get his first ring?

I'm not a Mav's fan but I was happy to see a veteran like Jason Kidd get his first ring. He has always been a good teammate and humble player.

Colleges with good Marine Biology programs?

I really want to be a pharmacist, but im thinking about marine biology and I wanted to know which colleges in the US have the best marine biology programs. I would appreciate someone looking in Oklahoma University and ASU or U of A, thank you!!!!!

What should i do?Acting?

Ok so I really really want to become an actress.Not to be famous but because I really love it.Its so fun and it helps me express myself.Only one problem I live in a really small town in georgia and there nothing here for me.My uncle just moved to Las veags like 5 months ago and I could move with him but my parents don't really like his wife and he's gone most of the time working.And also we're not the richest family so its not like we can just pack up and move.My mama say she can't just move to los angles without a job.What should I do?Do I just wait to go after my dream until I can't move there by myself or do you have any arguments I could tell them

Should I be worried about my girlfriend going to a University?

My girlfriend and I have been dating since her freshman year and she is now graduating and going to ASU, I am a little worried about this. We will be living in the same state and I will be attending PVCC but she will be staying in a dorm for her freshman year. I just want some advice on if I should worry about her at this school with alcohol and partying, and if this school could cause any unfaithfulness due to the guys attending the school? Shes never partied or drank or did drugs or anything like that, but I'm afraid this all could change her and result in me losing her. Please give me some advice. Thanks for reading this.

Architecture right choice ??!!!?

Making your career in architecture is right choice, if you have caliber go for it. Listen to your aim the follow the path it takes you.

What is euclidean geometry?

like what topics in geometry does it says my school covers that and i dont know what it means?? help!!is it like angles, congruence, polygons, etc?

Arizona State students help! What are the dorm assignments at ASU by major?

Have you considered staying off campus there in Tempe? It's a shame that they've changed the rules. The new dorms on Apache are the best ones. i wouldn't go to U of A just because of the dorm situation. It might be similar down there - and driving from home every day could be a huge headache with the parking situation.

I'm really confused about some college credits?

Okay, basically, what I'm trying to figure out is will the community college I'm going to attend allow me to grasp all the general education requirements I'll need in order to transfer to a 4-year school. I'm going to be going CCDC (Community College of District of Columbia) and taking up Liberal Studies with a focus of Journalism. When I read how many credits I'd be able to get, it said I could get 32 credits for one year and 63 credits for two years. I get that part. Now, here's the confusing segment. I looked up one of the schools I'm thinking of transferring to, ASU (Arizona State University). Once admitted, I would be trying to get into the Walter Cronkite school, and I saw something that said I need 80 general education requirements and 40 requirements in the major. If I can only get 32 to 63 credits from the school I'm going to be attending, does that knock me out of having a chance of getting into the school. Or will they let me fulfill the remaining requirements once I get that after the one or two years? Same thing goes for another school I want to transfer too, NCCU (North Carolina Central University). They're saying that I need at least 6 semesters or 9 quarter hours transferable college credit. Again, would I be able to get this after one to two years at CCDC? Thank you!

What do you think of my pokemon white team?

alright i have some advice that might help its not so much of you team its there moves Mienshao should probably ditch fake out you can only use it when mienshao comes out and it has to be his first move, you can replace it with brick break or something.for Hydreigon you can get rid of surf seeing as you already have some good water power and replace it with draco meteor which can be tutored my drayden. instead of revenge why not put aqua jet its a fast hitting move thats good for a quick final blow.Finally for Ferrothorn i would suggest teaching flash cannon which is TM 91 found at Twist Mountain it can give you some steel support. These are just suggestions only take them if you think they are good.

Should ASU redesign their uniforms?

I kinda like the logo but this happens all the time. A gang will adopt a sports team and use that logo.

Can i get into college?

Im currently a junior in high school about to be a senior. I have a 3.33 weighted GPA and an ACT composite of 23. I think i did better on my SAT Which will probably be a 17-1800. I am going to go into college as a theatre major and i have extensive experience in the field. Auditons and all acting related are a breeze. I am applying to Loyola Marymount, Chapman, ASU, UC Davis, UCLA, USC, and other smaller schools. What are my chances to get into these schools? and what are some other ones i can most definintely get into?

Small carpet repair cost?

I live in a dorm room right now, at one of the ASU campuses, and there are several bleach and dye stains in the carpet in the bathroom area of our dorm suite from my roommate and I. It's nothing HUGE but the bleach stain is about the size of a child's fist. The dye spots are light and pretty small, but still noticeable. How much does getting small carpet fixes like that cost? It's super cheap-o carpeting, clearly, nothing too pricey. Does anyone know from experience how much the repair actually costs or how much ASU will charge us upon move-out for the stains??

Should I attend Baylor university?

I just got my acceptance to Baylor and also ASU and I am awaiting replies from other universities as well. How is Baylor?

Friday, July 15, 2011

What's the best way to keep a Vespa from being stolen?

I'm considering buying a Vespa to get around ASU next year. I'm just worried it'll be stolen if I park it in the student parking garage. Are Vespas better off chained to a bike rack or post, or would a wheel or ignition lock work just as well?

If I have my g.e.d. and good sat scores can i get into ASU?

Im moving to Arizona with my best friend because we wanna go to ASU, will I be able to get in with a ged and a 1400 sat score? or would it be better if I attended a community college in az first for a year and then attend asu as a resident because i will have been living there for a year already? i need help please

What is the best decision?

Go to asu to walk on football team on a loan or go to west la college for one year at the most two years to get my scholarship?

Some friends, but awkward, should i be more outgoing?

So im loner even tho i really dont want to be, but im always nervous/afraid to text friends (i consider them friends, but should i call them acquaintances?) to see if they want to hang out, even tho they say yes sometimes, but it just feels forced even though their cool kids and im have fun. I dunno if everyone is like this but i constantly say things, then realize what i said sounded retarded and i just try to walk it off or try to reword it better, and it just makes me feel more awkward (i really do try not to show it). I can always find some1 to smoke with, or go to a movie with, but other than that people just never talk to me, i dont get how kids text ALL the time and no one texts me like that. i play sports and my teammates never invite me to parties even tho we talk like buddies at practice. Maybe im too weird or am i not aggressive enough to ask people for their numbers/to hang out/ etc. i really am trying to change, just looking for advice, thanks

What does it means, "reach out for someone" ? plz help?

Reach out for someone is an expression, in other words, aim to get help. Reach out would mean contact or ask and try to get the back up you need. Or just plainly, fight for what you need, try to get it all

If you watched the U17 game, what are your thoughts?

that Fierro guy reminds me of Fernando Torres, selfish but doesn't pass it to his teammates who are wide open

Measuring wavelengths with a CD, A LASER beam of wavelength λ = 632.8nm shines at normal incidence on the refl?

Measuring wavelengths with a CD, A LASER beam of wavelength λ = 632.8nm shines at normal incidence on the reflective side of a compact disc. The track of tiny pits in which information is coded onto the CD are 1.60μm apart. For what angles of reflection (measured fro m normal) will the intensity of light be maximum?

Am I going to be bald? 15 (boy)?

shave it off and don't worry about it, take some biotin, it is supposed to help hair growth, and if your hair comes back great, if not keep shaving it off, no hair always looks better than having bald spots

Why are beast boy and Cyborg still Teen Titans?

I mean the Comic Book not the Cartoon and the thing is that even in Comic Book slow aging it still makes no sense. The Original Wonder Girl and Robin (Donna Troy and Batman (Nightwing in present time)) were teammates of theirs and are now in the JLA and recognizable as adults. How is it those 2 still qualify as Teens? Aren't they adults? Wasn't Cyborg in the JLA at one point?

Fish tank get dirty very quickly?

i i have a rectangular fish tank (11.5 inches tall and 17.5 inches wide front and back) _left and right 11.5 inches tall and 11 inches wide) and i have filled it with 8.2 inches of water how much gallons does it make and every week how much inches of water should i remove and how to avoid fish tank getting cloudy and dirty i have 4 fantail gold fishes and 2 angle fishes

I need Geometry help.!!!?

[3.05] Find the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle with base angles of (3x+10) and (8x-15). Show your work for credit.

Facts about Arizona State University (ASU)?

ASU sure sounds like a lot of fun. I had friends who attended ASU and they always had great stories about their campus life in ASU. ASU has grown to become the largest public university in the United States with an enrollment of over 70,000 students. ASU Online is ASU’s online degree department and is based out of ASU’s Skysong campus in Scottsdale, AZ. I hear their online program is also one of the best. But yes nothing like life and fun on campus. :)

Do you think if kids are taught team sports at a young age racism would decrease?

i think if moronic parents and other sociopaths would stop teaching hate through stupidity we would have less racism

What player was the greatest at making others better?

Bill Russell. Didn't have the most impressive stat line as Wilt. But he cared more about winning instead of statistics like Wilt did. For god's sake Russell won 11 titles!

Would I get into ASU with my stats?

Im a sophomore with a 3.1 GPA have been a varsity wrestler both fresh and soph year go to a prep school am a life guard at a local pool and have 100 hrs of community service.

Problems with school and football.?

I'm going to 11th grade this year and i dont think i'll be able to play football AGAIN! Ever since i moved on to HS my grades have been slipping. In middle school i think i avraged around a 3.00 GPA, but now my accumulative GPA is 1.43. Don't get me wrong im a really smart kid i've just been skipping school alot, and i've gotten addicted to it. Last year was my first year of playing football and i didn't get to play in any games b/c of my grades. But my coach said i could still practice with the team. Alot of people told me it's gonna be a waste of time, even my teammates told my they would have already quit if they were in my position. But i didnt cuz football is my passion and i love it. But im in the same situation this year and i dont know if my coach will let me do the same thing cuz im moving on to varsity this year, and i have a good relationship with the coach, and i really dont know if i could take a school year without football. I really dont know what i should do.

Can a minor cross the canada-usa border?

So in about 3 weeks I have a soccer tournament in the States (I live in Toronto) so I will have to cross the border. I am going with a couple of my teammates and their mom will be driving us. I'm just wondering if you need anything other then your passport to cross the border from Canada to USA and vice versa.

X=tz2/the angle of the sun?

I don't think it's possible to comprehend the technology of space reptiles. we should all just bow and take our death as a proud sign of our submission.

Do you like my poem? I wrestled in highschool for 3 years.. Its about highschool wrestling?

That was awsome you should become a perfesional at this i got where you came frome and it made it seem like i felt your emotions i could even picture the imagery!! :) Great

Is Punching Your Teammates Good or Bad?

Just wondering how you guys feel about people who punch their teammates especially people who punch their teammates during mostly meaningless practice. We;re talking about PRACTICE! Not a game, not a game but PRACTICE!

My husband says he feels like my employee...?

Explain that unless you can afford to hire child care that you must rely on one another to perform the exhausting multi-services of parenting, the toughest job of all, no question. Alas, the culture often excuses men from getting their hands dirty to such an extent that the first child they hold is often their own. So work with it. Sit together and discuss the various tasks involved. Ask him if he has any experience with any of them. If not, ask how he'd like the division of labor to go. Compare it with your own. Try to be lighthearted. They won't be babies for very long. If this is all new to him, explain that the primary goal with babies is to keep them clean, amused and ready for a refreshing nap so that you can get some rest. Sleep when babies sleep. Establishing a routine gives all concerned a bit of sanity until babies sleep somewhat reliably thru the night. Explain too that having a baby is a crisis for all concerned. it's changed the way you do things forever. And this is a good thing, actually. Focus on the charisma of kids. If necessary, show him how to perform tasks he's unfamiliar with - show him by doing. When he's performing well, offer praise and encourage him to praise your own multi-tasking efforts. When you want to win people over, ask them for things they can do or give. Most important: Be as patient and caring a teacher as you would want him to be if you needed him to teach you, say, automechanics in a hurry. Parenting is not as intuitive for some as others although experience most often makes for improvement. Remember, too, that people who are sleep-deprived are not always thinking as clearly as they might, so forgive yourselves and one another for not being perfect. It will come! Try to create a safe haven for one another that allows both of you to say without guilt or shame that parenting babies is quite often overwhelming. One final golden rule: If baby is crying and you've tried food, diaper change and cuddles, put baby back in bed and put on the headphones for awhile. Wait until you're relaxed and able to smile before you try again.

LeBron lovers/Jordan haters act like LeBron's Cavs were D-League and Jordan's cast was HOFers..?

yes you're right he enough help around him in cleaveland 2 get it done. he just tried the easy way out, but he found out that it wasnt his supporting cast, it was him, he doesnt has what it takes 2 b a champion.

How many championships are the Heat gonna win with LeBron?

They will obviously win a lot as they completely dominate. LeBron said they would win 7, but I think that might be a little too much. He's already the best player of all-time (even Jordan's former teammate said so), but I think he'll also get many rings now that he's on the strongest team in the league.

When cutting side swept bangs.....?

i personally cut them straight across and then fringe the ends by cutting upwards so they are a little more jagged so that they blend better and then swipe them so the side..some however do just cut them on an angle, depends on what look your going for

Anyone seen this mystery footage of Wade yelling at Lebron? not so sure on that..IF Wade did give James a piece of his mind..he had every right to do so..he is the TRUE Team Captain of the Heat

Why do some people (guys mostly i've noticed) play with the goal of winning?

i've been playing this one sport recreationally for years, and never understood people who would rather die than lose. it sounds funny saying it, but when you're next to these people they're dead serious. i love putting it down as well, but would not give off that vibe to my teammates.

Who do you want to see in next year's finals?

I know it's too early to ask something like this but which two teams would you like to see in next year's finals?? Personally, I'd like to see Knicks vs Denver because it'd be interesting seeing former teammates play against each other.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How can I look more physically feminine?

You have an athletic build. Theres nothing wrong with that and theres not much you can change unless you stop working out. The sports that you do will give you more of an athletic build. Dancers, Cheerleaders, etc, have muscle but there body still looks pretty feminine. If you HAVE to work out so much then I would suggest dressing for your body type in ways that make you look more feminine.:)

MJ 6 Rings: See no1 agrees with you idiot?

Everyone has thumbed down your answer. Meaning no1 agrees with you and that you're a delusional MJ fan, who is afraid to admit he's overrated out the @$$. Kobe could've led that Bulls team to a 3peat as well if he had that supporting cast. Even LBJ, people who say MJ had a bad cast and he had to carry are retarded. MJ had great teammates, and Pippen was a great defender and scorer sometimes as well. And this idiot user thinks MJ could've won w/o Pippen. He would've gotten nowhere without Pippen. AND no1 here likes you and agrees with your opinion, u get 6 thumbs down or more every answer so you're retarded, saying Kobe is overrated and Dirk not top 25? Dude you're a tool and an embarassment to this basketball section. Get MJ's NUTS off your mouth

Will I fit in at Ole Miss?

I am 19 year old male and I attend community college in San Diego California. My question is; will I fit? at Ole Miss or be automatically considered an outsider? In High I was friends with just about every type of person you could imagine. I am a defiantly a Conservative guy who loves a good time. I love the tradition Ole Miss and for that matter the south has for all sports and college life. Would i be better off going to college some where will more California culture such as ASU? Thanks!

In politics, for example ill take the 2 main sides Republican and Democratic why do they have different views?

If a VERY WELL INFORMED Republican sat down with a VERY WELL INFORMED Democrat and discussed each angle and disagreement with each other wouldnt they be able to see why they have they have different views and see how one is more correct?

Is training once a week is enough?

K body made the NHL from practicing 1-2 times a week. Gretzky was known for spending every waking minute in his ODR in his backyard. You're not going anywhere by being with this team.

Is dwayne wade secretly upset of lebron's performance in the finals?

He shouldnt be, if it wasnt for Lebron the heat would have lost to the bulls and wouldnt have even been in the finals. Wade was cold the entire Bulls series

How do you play background noise through your microphone?

Before for some reason, my microphone didnt pick up my voice. But it picked up my songs playing through my itunes. For example, i play this online multiplayer video game that makes it so that u can chat via mic. With itunes on, and while wearing a headset, my teammates and i can both hear the music and not my voice. How do i revert it so i can have this ability? I do not want them to hear my voice, but only the computer background noise. Thanks

Anime with ridiculously strong main character ? suggestions please?

Full metal alchemist brotherhood. Its so good, its mostly action and comedy but there is romance! The main guy is named edward elric and he is really short, long blonde hair, golden eyes. Its so good and his dubbed voice is beautiful xD. But yah its a really really good anime and I recommend it!!! There's only like 60 or 50 eps and its not an on going anime thing. :) WATCH IT

Do you think Dwayne Wade is the biggest flopper in the NBA?

He isn't the biggest, but him and baby Bron Bron are up there. He always contorts his body like he got mauled and LeBron cries once out of every two possessions.

Can you double major and double minor?

Technically speaking yes, it is possible to double major and double minor. My cousin did it. However, it's not something everyone can handle, so while it is technically possible it may not be possible for you. This will depend on your abilities and how much work you are willing to put into school -- keep in mind that each major AND minor has specific requirements that must be met in addition to nay other requirements your school has for its students. It also may not be the best way to get the most out of being in college. Before you decide on double majoring and double minoring, I think you should really think about what you hope to accomplish and discuss your goals with your academic adviser.

Since the Berets are no Longer what do Soldier wear with the ASU not the ACU's the Army Service Uniform?

Like I told you last time, there has been no change to the ASU. Your statement that "the Berets [sic] are no Longer [sic]" is false. Go read the ALARACT for yourself and stop perpetuating your confusion on the internet.

California or Arizona?

I am an ASU student and a Scottsdale, AZ native. I am sick of this place and I want to start over in California. I'm thinking of transfering to Cal State Long Beach next year, but I would like some input on what it's like to live in LA county and CA life in general. How will it be different from AZ? Any input on anything will be useful thank you!

Who gets the credit in this situation?

A player swats the ball away from his opponent and the ball becomes a loose ball. Then, a teammate of the player who just swatted away the ball gets the loose ball. Who gets the steal, the one who swatted the ball or the one who recovered the loose ball?

Dumped my so-called friend. She's broke "girl-code"?

Just tell him exactly what you think is going on, I think now is a good time to tell him you like him and wan't something more aswell :)

Is New Balance really the only athletic shoe maker in the U.S.A.?

I guess it goes to show that all the companies are after is money, money, money. No American pride in those companies. All they're after is our money, and chances are that the people suffering most from their greed are those poor people that make the shoes for pennies.

Physics - Addition and Resolution vectors Lab Question?

A picture hangs on a nail. The tension in each string is 3.5N and the strings make a 45� angle. What is the weight of the picture?

Math Algebra Question!!!?

That depends; where is x? I'm going to assume that the 90 degrees is in the triangle while the 110's are the arc degrees of the circle. Do you have a picture of the problem?

Complex ques which makes me feel complex?

looks pretty easy but im so confused! if there are no imaginary roots so lets say z= 32, what is the angle? is it 2n pi?

If Kobe only won rings because he had phil jackson and shaq how come?

They didn't win in '04 because the Pistons were a team with chemistry. Shaq won him his first 3 titles. Look at how dominating a force he was. In that first 3-peat, in the playoffs...Shaq averaged 30/15 the first two titles (in the playoffs) and then 28/12 in the third. Winning Finals' MVP all 3 years. They were his titles, Kobe was the sidekick. The next 2 titles, Kobe was 'the man' but he needed Gasol. That's why everyone keeps saying that Kobe needs someone else to win. He hasn't won without a prolific big man. Gasol, those 2 years, was arguably the BEST big man in the league. Shaq, those 3 years, was the best big man in the league. If you take Gasol and Shaq away from Kobe's career, it's very unlikely that he'd have a single championship.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Acetone ruined my white wood furniture finishing?

I believe the damage has been done and cannot be reversed easily. You might try a very light buffing using 0000 (4/0) steel wool.

What word board game am I thinking of?

You have a word you need to get your teammates to guess, but there is a list of words you can't use to describe the word. Anybody know?

Is this wrong to do to my friend?

K so my friend just recently told me he loves me nut I don't see him in that way at all. The thing is I am interested in his good friend and teammate. Is it wrong of me to ask my friend(who likes/loves me) for his friends number? I feel super bad about it

What are the sums of the angles in triangle ABC?

In any triangle, the sum of the measures of the angles is 180 degrees. In triangle ABC, angle A is twice as large as angle B. Angle B is 4 degrees larger than angle C. Find the measure of each angle. Can you please explain it as well. Thanks!

Do i wear my asu to a funeral for a ww2 navy veteran?

Yes, you can and MAY i need NOT remind you too; when you approach the casket to pay your respects, make sure you are wearing your CAP and STAND AT ATTENTION and SALUTE the DECEASED!!!!!

Can i go to ASU and Succeed in Life?

I'm 17, going to the 11th grade this fall. i'm a year behind i didn't get all my credits from the 10th grade which will required me to re-do my classes and take summer school i fail my AIMS. i decided to drop out. However i'll be joining a military school "Project Challenge" it's a 5 months process if i apply they will reward me with a diploma or G.E.D. (I'm going for a diploma) and i want to go to ASU and take an art class of ROTC. can i do what i'm thinking here or is there angle i'm not seeing?

So who agrees Wizards did the best after the Cavs?

I'm not that high on Singleton. He was in a lot of foul trouble last year. His numbers aren't that great.

Fasfa, Do I Recieve the Same Amount at Uni than a CC?

I'm going to a community college. I did my FASFA for ASU for the fall 11. It said I was approved for 5,500. But when I went to the community college I also received that much. I thought the money increases if you go to a more expensive school? I'm I wrong?

Are Phoenix and Tucson tolerant towards LGBT people?

I may be going to UA or ASU for graduate school in a year, and I wanted to know how well LGBT people are accepted there. Are they?

Will my high school relationship last throughout college?

I have a boyfriend who i love a lot bt this is the summer before we leave for college. I am going to Cal State LA and he is going to Holy Names Univ. We want to make it work but im scared. We are going to try our hardest to talk all the time bt its gna be hard b/c he is playing basketball there which means he is going to have a strict schedule which also scares me! The idea of being 5 hrs away from my bf and him being somebody that girls are gna want to be around makes me seriously wonder. He says he is gna stay away from the party scene and probably nt go out with the team after wards but what are really the odds of a guy staying in his dorm while his teammates go out and play!? I do seriously love him and he always talks about how we can make it work and he wont do anything but im still worried b/c it will be college. Im not saying he cant trust me bt i dont want to be missing out on anything i am suppose to experience my freshman year b/c im in a relationship. I dnt want to speak to him about it b/c I know if I do then that will lead to an unanswered question about me wanting to stay in the relationship. I just need someones help, PLEASE !

Agree/Disagree, WWE should cut back on the schedule?

the schedule is just to long without any breaks, and its alot of wear and tear on the body between, house shows, PPV's and TV tapings/Raw, guys are leaving to take breaks like CM Punk, Chris Jericho to name a few, and guys in the past have left to go to TNA lighter schedule (Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, Christian)

I need some tips on hair and makeup please?!?

In a couple of days I'm going on vacation to myrtle beach with a friend. I've got some cute outfits and they have a touch of bohemian in them. My hair is brown, to my armpits, and not naturally straight or wavy just in-between. I have freckles on my nose and cheekbones. I'm 5'8" 144lbs. My eyes are blue and have a line of yellow/gold around the pupil. I have 5 makeup brushes: angles blush brush, foundation/concealer brush, eyeshadow brush, eyeliner brush, and detailed brush. They're ecotool. I have whatever I need in makeup. I need tips on how to do makeup and hair. I can braid pretty well. I'll need details though. Please help? Thanks!!

Girls- Should I be insulted from what I heard my gf tell her friends?

Alright so I met this girl in February and we seem to be in love. Today I was watching my gf and her teammates practice for their equestrian team at their stable. We made plans to go for drinks after she was done practicing so I could get to know some of her friends better. When we were at the bar I was up getting them drinks and heard them talking since it was fairly quiet in the place at the time. One of her friends commented on my large size (I am tall and a little stocky) which wasn’t bad and then another asked how it was going between us. My gf responded with things about how I am cute a great listener, very loyal, and does everything to make her happy and said I was kind of like a horse. They all were laughing so I laughed it off too because they were still giggling when I got back to the table. But now I am starting to think of what she said. I don’t know whether to think it was a joke like I thought or she doesn’t respect our relationship (like she is just having fun using me). It’s been a few years since I had a serious girlfriend and I worry about things going wrong. I don’t want to talk about it with her because this may just be me overreacting and she will think I am thin skinned. I am looking for a serious response. 10 points!

Why is arizona better at recruiting than arizona state?

I always thought it was cause they had lute olsen but hes gone and their still doing it. I mean tucson is like a poor mans phoenix. Seems like asu has the bigger name coach now nd we still cant get great resruiting classes.

Maths- Forming equations help!?

sum of the angles of a quadrilateral is always 360 deg. add all the angles and equate it to 360 deg. 5x +120 deg=360 deg, 5x =240 deg,x=48 deg. smallest angle is x+10=58 deg.(bottom right corner)

Should i continue football?

Ok well i played football since the 6th grade. I felt like i had to join. My mom was putting me and my older brother in sports because she didnt want us to be lazy. She put my brother in football because he was having anger problems. He ended up loving football. I was his teams water boy his first year cause i was confused of if i wanted to play or not. The next year i joined because i felt like i had to because of my mom and because of my bro. I wanted to quit but my mom said" If you quit you'll quit everything else you do!" So i stayed. From 6th grade up to 8th i played football in pop warner. All of those years in practiced as hard as i could but my coachs never put me in but sometimes only cause they had to. I went on to High School football my freshman year i tryed hard in practice but i never got a spot. Also it hard for me to learn the plays. Then my sophmore year i played again i keeped got out for football because i thought it was the coachs. But this year my coach from freshmen year didnt coach.we got a new coach, i once again practiced my hardest but didnt get as spot anywhere. Now im going onto varsity football at my High school for my junior and senior year. I dont know if i should play and more. My brother plays football and is going on to college football when i try to stop playing he makes me feel bad and said" Your a b%@ch why are you not playing!?" I feel like i have to because he plays. And i dont wont to quit anything. Most of my goodfriends are football players(my teammates) i dont want them to think im a wimp for not playing anymore. I stoped going resently to practice because i want to stop. but then i joined again because i dont want them to think im scared. Plus everyone knows me as a Football player because i played it for a long time. I want people to think im athletic and cool. But i just never had the pation for the sports i like a NFL team every much but i was have a hard to in practice. The games are great because i feel wanted. Im i nice guy i dont like fighting people i would rather fix up my classic ford than play. But im confused if i should play just like how i was when i began. Sorry for the sorry but i dont know what to do. I dont want to be a quiter or let people down. I just feel like people think im tough because i play football. Also i like the gear, how you look like a worrier for battle. It a really cool sport but i cant learn the plays and i never start. im tired of being a sub. Plus when im out there i just want to go home. But now in summer since im not playing it and i played it for so long i feel out of place. I dont know if some how learning the plays with my a difference or what. Once again sorry for the sorry. if you stayed and read my story please help. I dont know what to do. Im very confused.

If only Lebron James was a fan friendly guy, he wouldn't be hated?

Cold hearted to people links? and even though they hate him for leaving Cleveland, like wow.......... he left Cleveland big deal............. and then making fun of Dirk. Wow it's jsut 2 people coughing move on with your lives, then they blow this thing he said way out of proportion.

Where should I work as a college student?

I have been looking for a job for about 5 months now and my parents are wanting me to work in fast food as it is easy to get into and would provide me with some money. However, I recently graduated from high school and will be attending ASU most likely during the spring of 2012 or the fall of 2012. I wanted to know if it looks lame based on my student status to work at a fast food joint like McDonalds? This isn't the first job that I have had as I have had four different jobs in the past, but I feel like an uneducated person and feel lame having to work in McDonalds? What does everyone else on here think?

ASU wont give my parent information without a form?

What form do i need to submit to allow my parent to talk to Arizona State University about my information, they refuse to talk to my mother without this form and i would like to email it out tonight, but dont remember the name. would be greatly appreciated if anyone could help me out with this, even mroeso if you could send me a link to it

NBA:I had an argument with someone regarding?

He obviously doesnt watch Dwight. Dwight improved his post game greatly. He worked with all time greats Hakeem Olajuwan and the Magic assistant head coach Patrick Ewing. He also worked on a faceup jumper. Its not great yet but he improved a LOT. He also got a lot more serious about basketball- he decided to stop clowning around. What is your friend talking about? No touch around the rim? He hits all kinds of layups and led the league in dunks. The Hawks put a big, strong defender on Howard who definitely slowed him down. Collins is a pretty good defender. Howard even said Collins and the Hawks were the biggest problem for him because Collins is strong and could play him one on one so he couldnt kick the ball out for threes. Howard didnt even struggle. He averaged 32 points and 17 eebounds against the Hawks, the perimeter guys were not open. Dwight is strong- not exactly a bodybuilder. His strength makes him better in the post. No, he isnt too great at free throws, but he improved on that too. He also didnt get enough rest because Otis Smith traded away the Magics back up center, Marcin Gortat, so Im definitely not suprised he was missing a few easy layups or some free throws. He started hitting his free throws late in the season and in the playoffs, started shooting about 70%. Show this to your friend, because it is all true. Losing was NOT Howards fault, and he isnt overrated. If he leaves Orlando, the Magic will drop, probably out of the playoffs.

How would I go about getting a double major at Arizona State University?

I can't find any information on this at ASU's site. Is there a certain place that I'd have to talk to?

How can I become ambidextrous in basketball (it means to use two hands)?

I can dribble really good with my right hand. But I'm not very good at dribbling with my left and I want to be really good so I can cross people easily to get an open lane and set up plays for my teammates.

Which nba player do i ressemble?

for my age, i'm kinda short. i have a pretty good mid-range shot , im ocasionally good from 3-land. i play point guard, and my faveorite thing is setting my team-mates up, with normal chest or bounce passes, but i also like to use flashy moves to set up my teammates. i ahve pretty good hops, and i can jump higher than almost all of the kids my height. so you tell me...

ASU Nursing Program Question?

Hi I am going to the ASU Nursing School/BSN program starting the new semester. I have a question, should I use an Apple or a Windows computer- do they prefer one over the other? Please only answer if you are in the program at ASU. Thanks :)

What should I do to make it to State in Cross Country Running & How do I become the fastest girl on the team?

I am going to be a Senior at a new school because my other school shut down. I have already tooken the steps to start training with my new school's cross country team and I've already made friends. The 90 rule for transferring will not apply to me because my school shut down and it wasn't my choice to transfer so I still have a shot at Varsity. Well I am the 2nd fastest girl on the team so far, but is there anything I can do to boost my chances of becoming the fastest girl on the team? Also what are some things I can do to train to make it to State for my Senior year? Any tips? Advice? Ways to prevent injuries? I really want to prove to my new teammates and my new coach, as well as my former teammates and former coach, that I was able to keep my promise to make it to State and be the Top 3 fastest girls on the team. :)

Abnormal dream. Can someone tell me if it's possibly lucid?

Your brain is very much a holographic computer and you can program this biological computer to perform certain functions. This is how you master Out Of Body lucid dreaming. An out of body lucid dream is when you feel as though you're actually PHYSICALLY THERE IN YOUR DREAM. When you lie down to go to sleep, close your eyes and try to imagine a nice place where you'd really like to be. Try to imagine that you're really there PHYSICALLY. Now while you're imagining all of this, repeat 100 times an affirmation like, "I NOW HAVE A FULLY CONSCIOUS OUT OF BODY LUCID DREAM." Make sure that you do this mental exercise every single time you lie down to go to sleep, seven days a week. Make sure that you don't think about anything except the affirmation and what you're visualizing before you fall asleep and that its the last thing on your mind before you fall asleep, otherwise IT WON'T WORK. You can in fact have lucid dreams in which case you feel certain that you're actually physically there. I promise you that it will feel so real to you and that you will have so much control over your dream, that it will frighten you with excitement. You'll wake up the next day feeling very THRILLED at what you've accomplished. You can learn to do all kinds of far out things in your lucid dreams. You can gain more control over the cells and organs in your body and totally heal yourself. You can learn to freeze time in your lucid dreams and stay inside your dream for very long periods of time. To give you an idea of how REAL kind of dream is, then let me ask you a question. How do you know that you're not really sound asleep right now at this very moment? Are you really sitting in front of your computer reading all of this data? How do you know that you're not really dreaming all of this? This is how real OOBLD (Out Of Body Lucid Dreaming) really is. Its very important that you NEVER smoke marijuana or drink alcoholic beverages when doing this mental exercise. This also includes mind altering pharmaceutical drugs. Stay away from all of these things or you will FAIL. Make sure that you remember not to think of anything else while doing this mental exercise before you fall asleep or you will FAIL. Soon, I myself will be a master Lucid Dreamer. You can use lucid dreaming to entrain yourself to learn other things. You can enhance your intelligence through lucid dreaming. I hope this info that I've given you will help you, take care!

What is the correct angle and direction to aim a large Spargelspitze?

They're very similar to the Veeblefetzer and Thingamabobber. 30 to 60 degree angle for maximum torque.

Could this be the real reason behind the Cena Punk feud?

An invasion angle. Let's say Punk wins and kayfabe brings the title to ring of honor. WWE reinstates Cena to get the title back. Setting up an all out ROH invasion just like what happened with real ECW(ROH now is no bigger than ECW was then).

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What makeup is best for athletes?

I'm in high school and play sports all year. I wear makeup to school every day so when I go to athletics I have to keep wearing it because we don't get much time to change-out. My teammates and I are very close but i hate looking so horrible because my makeup will smear really bad because we usually practice about 3 hours a day. What makeup is recommended for athletes? I'm mainly talking about base makeup because i already know to get waterproof mascara and eyeliner. Thanks and please give brands you found helpful!:)

Don't you think this was really mean of this guy to do to his son?

I was at a local baseball game for 3rd, 4th, 5th grade boys. This dad seemed to be forcing his son to play. The little boy was just having fun, and his dad was yelling dumb stuff at his kid like it was the major leaugues or something. So now to the point-after the game the kid and two of his teammates were just playing around like kids do and his dad yelled from the car, "get over here now!!" the kid motioned "one second." So his dad came over to him grabbed him by the arm, and yelled "you're getting a spanking when you get home." He embarassed his son in front of his friends. What's your opinion on this. It's wrong to me. I was a little scared witnessing it, lol.

Did asu and u of a take that exceeding aims scholarship away?

I exceeded science and math so I am gonna retake writing and reading hoping to exceed. If they did take it away can I put it on my college resume. How much will it help my chances for a grant.

Good hair products for my hair?

My hair is straight/wavy. It's always been straight but now there's some random waves in it. I recently got a haircut and my hair is now on my shoulder with side bangs, layers, and angles. On one side of my head (where the side bangs are) the layers stick out and the ends flip out. I blow dry it and straighten it, but it just goes back to being the way it was. The other is side is perfect-the ends go in and it stays straight. Is there any good products that will keep my hair straight and the fly-aways in?

My mom is a full of herself, paranoid freak.. And she takes it put on me. Help?!?

Explain to her "listen mom if you don't let me live a regular happy teenage life I'm quiting basketball so stop being paranoid and stop trying to live your life through me. I'm 13 years old and I shouldn't be as stressed as I am, I want to be with my friends and play basketball in a fun way not constantly listening to you scream at me because I don't have a perfect game." then walk away and go to your room, eventually she'll come and talk to you more about the situation.

Does anyone go to Albany State University?

I have never heard any negative things. It is a fairly popular HBCU in Georgia, but I cant speak on their academic reputation. College of mostly what you make out of it.

Location of Distinctive Unit Insignia on Class A ASU?

I cannot find if I should put the Distinctive Unit Insignia of my Class A ASU on the shoulders or on my beret. There seems to be some discrepency between the Dress Blue and the Class A ASU. I've been in the army for a while but never had a need to wear my uniform until now. So I am not 100% certain where to put this. Thanks.

What NBA player do I most play like?

I'm pretty short, only 5'3" and 13. I play point and I'm a lefty. I pretty fast but not amazingly explosive. I am decent handles but turn the ball over sometimes. I am a pretty good passer and hit my teammates in the right places with passes. My jumpshot is pretty good also, both midrange and 3-point. I am decently athletic but not very strong. The worse part is, I am probably the most inconsistent player ever. There are days where I hit fadeaway after fadeaway and make lots of fancy passes and somedays where I miss 5-footers. My friends compare me to delonte west.

I'd like to be more than friends with this guy, but I don't know where to start, can anyone help?

So I have been out of a relationship for a few months since the guy turned out to be a real dirtbag. I was a little emotionally distraught for a little while, but I'm doing much better now and there is this one guy who I would really like to spend more time with. I've known him for years and he's a real sweetheart, but he's not the type who easily gets into relationships. We've always kind of flirted a little bit with each other, but never really gotten together, since we are teammates and relationships on the team could cause problems. Plus we are both a little more timid and on the quiet side. But I've always loved him and his personality, and I want to see if we could start a relationship before the summer is over. I think it might be difficult though, because he is younger than me and not particularly open about how he feels in some situations, and I don't want to make him uncomfortable. What could I do to maybe get something more started between us?

What is an embarrassing memory of yours?

Back when i was pregnant when i was just starting to show (around 5 months), my mom took me shopping for some maternity clothes. Well the clothes hanger said the pants were a size 9 but but they were on the wrong hanger and were actually a size 5...well the dressing room i was in the doors automatically shut when you close them, well i put the pants on and the wouldn't go over my butt so i open the door to tell my mom to get me another size and i didn't see her so i stepped out a little farther and the door closed behind me...and just about that time about 5 people walked in the dressing room and i was in the first stall. So they all had to walk by me, i heard snickering as a few was embarassing to me.

How to find the positive and negative coterminal angles of 9Ï€/2?

My textbook says that the answers are π/2 and -3π/2 but I have no idea how those are the answer. Can someone pleeaseee explain, thanks!

Looking for a teammate for my team on MW2 and Black Ops for XBOX 360?

We have 3 people already, FB Snip3Side, eG MiDGetZ, and muffinsrbro69. Please leave your gamertag and your times to be online. We play Modern Warfare 2, and Black Ops on XBOX360. Please join because we are always looking for new teammates, over the age of 13. Thank you.

CU-Boulder or Arizona State University?

ownpool, he or she may be able to get a better scholarship going to ASU than staying in state. I got 16k in scholarships at ASU and if I had stayed in state in MN I would have only gotten 3k. It was cheaper to go out of state in my case. I would choose ASU because of the amazing opportunities within the business school.

A question about college credits?

Okay, I'm a recent high school graduate and I'm going to be attending CCDC (Community College of the District of Columbia). What I want to know is if I only attend CCDC for one year and gain 32 credits, when 120 credits is required for my major to graduate with a bachelor's from ASU (Arizona State University a.k.a the school I want to go to so freakin' badly!), would I be able to finish out the rest of my credits when I get to the school I want to transfer to? Would they let me do that? Thanks.

Movies that are directed by actors or actresses that are also in the movie?

Let's see how many people can even name a whole list of movies that are directed by an actor or an actress that is also in the movie, they don't have to have a leading part, but as long as they also did have a part in the movie as well. Here are a couple of examples Rookie of the Year was directed by Daniel Stern who was making his directorial debut, was also in the movie playing the pitching coach of the Chicago Cubs. Also Whip It was directed by Drew Barrymore that was also making her directorial debut, and she also acted as one of Ellen Page's teammates in the movie as well.

If the Knicks add Sammy Dalembert to Carmelo Anthony do you think that NY would become A.I.'s preferred spot?

Dalembert is in his prime years (30) can rebound and defend. NY should get him and hopefully seven footer Jerome Jordan is ready for the NBA. Iverson can be a backup and upgrade on PG and shift Douglas to SG.

Working out is getting boring?

I love exercise and it's always been fun for me during sports because I'd have a routine and I'd have my teammates along with me. Now that it's summer and I'm on my own it's gotten really difficult to make working out fun, now it's kind of like a drag... go to the gym, do the same thing at the gym and go home. It's so boring! So far i'm doing a good job as far as staying in shape goes, but I fear falling out of shape just because I ran out of ideas. Running outside has also become very boring and I don't really enjoy it anymore. I just don't know what's wrong. Any help?

Ways to establish residency (for out of state college)?

In the fall I will be a freshman in college and attending a local community college but I want to transfer to ASU after my sophomore year. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how I could establish residency there without me actually living there (if that makes any sense). My teacher told me that Hilary Clinton used to P.O. box to establish residency in New York when she wasn't actually living there. My aunt has a place out there so I would have somewhere to stay (but it is used for vacations so no one lives there all year round) but I need to establish residency.

I think my piercing

I got my second hole done in March, but today I took them out to go swimming (far past the date I could start taking them out) and I went to put them back in but the right one wont go through the back. The lady that pierced them did it at an angle because she's a moron, so its always been hard to change the earring, but never this hard. I didn't think a piercing that's literally 3 months old would close in a matter of 4 hours. I tried to push through but the hole hurts like crazy and i cant get it through. I need to get it back in before the hole closes completely. Any suggestion?

Was there ever any controversy of having a devil represent ASU?

How hasn't the Catholic community voice their opinion against it? Personally I don't know how they get away with it.

Can't see my teammates after getting the ball. Why?

I'm beginner at playing soccer. I figured that whenever I get the ball and face the opponent, I can no longer see my teammates to pass the ball to them. Do you have an idea ?

Do you think competition is good for kids?

My son plays SAY basketball and he gets very competitive. Last week for a tournament he went back down to 11u (he's ten but normally he plays 13U) ANYWAYS he was scoring at will most of the first half but in the 4TH they started to face gaurd him and even ran a box and all he could do was pass. SO they end up losing by 7.. my son is crying so hard and I haven't seen him cry in years. My husband carried him out the gym it was very sad. Made me ask this question to myself. However at the same time I noticed how Everyone was trying to comfort my son. Even the opposing cheerleaders were saying "sweet its ok #10 atleast you're still cuter than them" etc. All his original 13u teammates were picking him up and hugging/comforting him. That made me think maybe it is good. Because it also teaches kids sportsmanship and how to confine in each other. anyone here disagree?

Community college transfer to a state university?

You can transfer after a semester of CC if you want to. You'll have to reapply to the college you're transferring to, though. Most colleges will give you a deadline for how long their acceptance is good for. If you're only applying to CC, then you don't have to worry about anything until you apply to ASU

Which college football game was it?

There was this college football game, I think it was from the recent season. The quarterback was trying to throw the ball away by throwing it out of bounds, but then a defensive back jumped out of bounds and tossed it back to another teammate of his. Which game was it?

Should the offside rule be abolished?

No way, the players would turn into cherry pickers (players who wait for a ball near the goal) and people that can boot it far. Forward's job is to make runs and be fast, this would defeat their current purpose.

Please suggest the best way to repair the dent in my trunk and an estimate of the cost, if known. Thanks.?

Cheapest way would be to get a used trunk. Sure would be nice if you told whether it was a Toyota or a BMW.

As I told you earlierMy Pentax camera is K1000 having originally SMC Pentax-A Zoom lens 35-70 mm lens which I?

As I told you earlierMy Pentax camera is K1000 having originally SMC Pentax-A Zoom lens 35-70 mm lens which I was able to take it out and fit Vivitar 70-210 mm zoom lens(PK-A/R) in that Pentax camera. I also have with meJapanese auto CHINON 28 mm wide angle lens for this same Pentax K1000 --35 mm Film camera. My doubt is :- If I purchase the new Pentax Kr DSLR camera can I use these zoom lenses with this new DSLR camera? This is my doubt!!!

Should I buy it ? Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II Camera Lens?

i own a canon t3i now, I'm a beginner for photo and video making. Im already own a [Canon EF 35mm f/2 Wide Angle Lens for Canon SLR Cameras] and a [EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens]. I wonder should I get the [Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II Camera Lens] because everyone said this is a good len to start learning photo and video for beginner. wat do ya think????? I'll do more video than photo.

How to store fertile eggs until ready to incubate?

I was wondering if I could keep my fertile eggs in an egg carton at around 70-78 degrees farenheight until I put them in an incubator. They are gonna be stored in my house not outside. And I know to put the small pointy side down and tilt the carton to a different angle every day. I will be storing them for as long as a week. Thanks or if anybody has any suggestions.

Where was this critiscm of Kobe when he got swept?

Not trying to defend LeBron or anything because he played pretty bad in the Finals, but all I'm hearing today is "LeBron choked." "It's all on LeBron." Yet when Kobe played awful in this year's playoffs especially against the Mavs but all the blame seemed to go on his teammates. Hmm… where was the "Kobe choked." talk when he got swept. I just find this interesting.

Help on trigo problem please?

A flagpole broken over by the wind forms a right angle with the ground. If the angle which the broken part makes with the ground is 50 degrees, and the distance from the tip of the pole to the foot is 55 feet, how tall was the pole?

I need someone who KNOWS to translate PLEASE!?

So, I was watching Shakugan no Shana and during the opening song it says "yume wo, asu wo, kimi he" -I don't know how to write this in Japanese- The most common translation I found was "I will give my dreams and future to you" I was wondering if it is correct... Please answer if you REALLY know what it means and not just google translate stuff. I would appreciate it... ^_^

I am so stressed out about what I want to major in.?

I am 20 years old, I have completed my AGEC general courses and transferred to ASU. I haven't started school yet but I had transferred as a graphic design student. I can't decide if I want to stay as graphic design and double major in marketing or if I should go with something safer. I just don't know I'm so confused right now. Nooooo. ?!?!!?&:

How hard is a double major in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering?

I plan on going to ASU, and before I get all the comments about how good or bad of a school ASU is, college is what you make of it. If you only pay attention to the parties ir drugs, that's all you're going to get out of it. What I would like to know is, how hard would it be for me to do a double major in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. Both fields are tough, I know, but I have always been intrigued by them. Thank you for any and all answers.

Please help me on my homework?

A ladder 36 feet long rests against a wall, its foot being at a horizontal distance of 25 feet from the base of the wall. What angle does the ladder make with the ground?

Monday, July 11, 2011

What soccer team played a the first minute of a game down a player in honor of a teammate's death?

I remember a soccer game (I believe it was a soccer game) where one of the team's played the first minute with only 10 players in honor of a teammate who passed away. Does anyone remember or can anyone help me. Thanks!

What is the appropriate necktie knot for Army ASU?

I couldn't find it in the AR, is a full windsor appropriate? or is the four in hand knot better suited.

Two friends leave the same point and hike in different direction. The displacement...?

two friends leave the same point and hike in different direction. The displacement component for the hiker are Ax=15km and Ay=-4km and for the other hiker Bx=2km and By=8km. determine the smallest angle between their paths.

Bullied by Atheists? Why do Atheists bully Christians?

I'm 19. I got bullied in high school for being a Christian. People said I was too boring because I had a lot of morals in life. They said I was gay because I didn't date. I love sports, but I quit playing sports because my teammates were always trying to get me to go to parties & date girls. They made fun of me because they knew I was saving myself for marriage. They said I didn't know how to have fun. I think I do know how to have fun. My definition of fun is just different from others. Like I said, I love sports. I love to work out. I spent my Friday & Saturday nights at my private gym. I love going to the movies & to the mall. I just don't go to parties or drink. Why do Atheists bully Christians? It's not like I force my religion onto them. I never even bring up my religion. Will college be a better environment for me? I'm going this fall. Thank you for your advice. God Bless

What do I do if I wont be able to attend the university I was accepted to this coming year?

I applied to ASU and got accepted. However, primarily due to finances I have decided to stay at community college for one more year to receive my AA and then transfer. I've already been accepted to ASU but have not registered yet. Do I need to submit anything stating I will not be attending in the Fall? Do I need to re-apply for the following year?

What should i do about this girl who sort of played me?

So i have known this girl since elementary school, and we became really good friends. In middle school we found out we had alot in common. She is cute and has a great personality and from what my friends have told me, a great match for me. So towards the end of eighth grade, we began to get closer. She tells me that she is over her ex, and i heard from her friends that she really liked me, so i ask her out. So i get a call from her saying her answer is yes. We planned for her to come over to my house the next week, everything is great. Throughout school the next day, she flirts with me, and it seems like she really does like me. After school, she sends me a text message saying that she needs more time to think, and that maybe she gave me an answer too soon. It turns out she still has feelings for her ex. (her ex also happens teammate of mine.) She spends a week trying to decide between us, and i am bugging her for an answer, (With any other girl in this situation I would have walked away, but she is different.) We only had a few days of school left and she still had not decided. This lasted a few days into summer break, until about two days ago. She wanted to wait until school started back up for us to date, which i didnt really have a problem with at first, we could hangout during the summer and have fun. Until I learned the reason for us waiting. She wanted to date her ex over the summer, while i waited for school to start. I didnt really like this. She said we would date when school starts, but alot can change in 3 months. I told her i didnt want to wait, while she dated another guy. I dont know what to do, this girl is cool and fun to be around, but has put me through alot of crap the past week or so. She made me think I was going to get her, and then she started talking about this other guy. She played with me over and over again. What should I do? Move on, or wait for school? I just dont like the fact I am coming in second. She treats this whole thing like a game.

How to find out if someone REALLY graduated with MAGNA *** LAUDE?

i know someone who just keeps on bragging about how they graduated with a magna *** laude. Funny thing is that he/she doesn't put this info oh his/her linkdin, fb or anywhere else. im getting a bit suspicious,im particularly interested cause i just enrolled myself into a grad school and i have to listen to his/her over and over how the subjects he/she selected were better than mine or that the school he/she went to is way better than mine. i know the year he/she graduated and the name of school. is there any place i can find the list of honor students of W.P. Carey School of Business (ASU) class of 2006. im not planning to rub that in his/her face, if i find out the truth i will feel better cause right now i feel really pressured. thanks everyone!

How can I train to become an elite runner?

There is no training that will guarantee you will become an elite runner. The elites, when they were sophomores, enjoyed running and kept improving. From your times you certainly seem very talented, just keep training and improving and you'll see where it takes you.

Does Straight line consider as an angle?

We're very confused because in our elementary years straight line is consider as a part of an angle but now,in my junior class my teacher said that the stright line is not part of angles at all..!..please help me guys..!..this s our homework!..T_T

How much does asu cost a year?

Tuition only for instate is around $9000, tuition only out of state is now around $23,000. Add $9,000 to $14,000 for living expenses (food, rent) and $1000 for books.

What kind of courses are required to be a veterinarian?

in college what all classes, courses, degrees and everything do you have to have to be a veternarian? and does anyone know if ASU offers these things?

Is Allen Iverson wrongfully the most scrutinized player ever?

I agree. Allen Iverson is a top 15 player all-time. The media and David Stern hated the hip hop culture he brought which is why he got blackballed. He helped a lottery team make it to the finals against Kobe and Shaq's Lakers. He averaged 35.6 points against the Lakers in that series and was the MVP that year. In Denver they had Carter as PG, when Billups came to Denver, Carter was on the DL. Plus Nene had cancer when Iverson was with them. Detroit and Memphis never gave him a chance to be himself.